Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ants in My Pants

I'm building character. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I was playing with a puppy and we were both super excited. Well, she ended up jumping up and scratching my face around my eye.

Plus, I fell and fell again. And again. I got lots of bumps and bruises.

Today, we went out to Shelby Farms, a 4500 acre park at the edge of the city. I had so much fun running around the open spaces, up and down hills, through tall and short grasses...until I stopped in the middle of an ant hill. Fortunately, Daddy was there to scoop me up and Mommy was there to wash all the ants off quickly.

It has just been a traumatic few days. But, you know what, apple sauce makes it all better. Don't believe me? Stick your hands in some apple sauce and wipe it all over you face. You'll be better in no time, I promise!


  1. Grandaddy will be pleased to know that Dylan has become well accustomed to the phrase, "Just rub some dirt on it."

  2. Grandaddy is pleased and proud. It is a good motto for an adventurer like Dyl Pickle!
