Thursday, June 04, 2009

Boy's Night, Part the Second

Dear Mommy,

You can rest assured that, while you've been out on the town with the girls, Daddy has taken good care of me. We had fun playing, but I was so tuckered out that Boy's Night did not last long. I perked up for the beginning of my bath, but then started getting sleepy again. It's only been an hour and I'm already going to bed.

Goodnight, Mommy. I'll see you in the morning.

I love you.


  1. You are such a good boy. Now, Dylan, you need to learn to put pictures in your blog so Auntie Sara can ooh and aah over your cuteness. It's what she does.

  2. Now that's more like the sweet boy I know!

  3. Aunt Sara, Grandma called today to make sure she had the right address so she could send our camera back to us. There are about 50 pictures on it. Plus, once we get it back, we can take some more. At that point, you will get to ooh and aah.

    Tell the girls I said, "Hey!" And tell Zoe I like her crown.
