Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I know you're jealous, 'cause I went to the Rendezvous tonight! It's totally awesome. Mommy and Daddy had friends in town who wanted us to meet them there. (They knew me in utero, but we'd not officially met yet.) So meet them we did and I am so glad, too. Not only did I have fun with them, I also got to savor the flavor of some ribs and beans and bbq nachos! You're jealous now, huh?

Oh, and I also got my Big Boy carseat today in the mail. (Well, it didn't exactly come in the mail, but we do not speak the name of those who brought it in our house.) Aunt Sara told us where to find a super great deal online. And you should see it, 'cause I got the 'Cow-moo-flage' and it's totally rad! You should be so jealous you don't have one. I'll get a photo up soon, but I'm heading to bed. Maybe it will be installed tomorrow when I awake.


  1. You are a REAL big boy now! Hope your Daddy doesn't have any trouble installing it. He can call us if he does. :)

  2. Aww, Dylan, I will think of you while I eat bbq nachos at the Rendezvous Saturday!
