We're having a sleepover at Grandmommy and Grandaddy's house. It's my first ever sleepover and I am so excited. In fact, I was so excited that I jumped up and down and up and down and ... well you get the point. I was very active after dinner.
And, before we knew it, I was going all Exorcist on Grandaddy. It was totally cool, except that it was also a bit scary. Green stuff propelling out just like Linda Blair. It was some kind of gross, let me tell you. But I'm fine now. And me and Grandaddy are all cleaned up.
Anyway, I bet you're wondering why we're having a sleepover. Yesterday, a big storm came through town. It only lasted maybe ten minutes, tops, but it was a violent ten minutes. Trees are down all over town. Fortunately, we didn't have any damage, but the power remains out on our block. And Grandmommy and Grandaddy were gracious enough to invite us out to stay with them. (Thanks for that, by the way!)
Epiphany: Go, Tell It on the Mountain
1 month ago
Bouncy babies with bulging bellies can belch and barf, but Grandaddy beams at the boy anyway! It was fun to have them with us, pea soup and all. . .